USBSamurai — A Remotely Controlled Malicious USB HID Injecting Cable for less than 10$

USBSamurai — A Remotely Controlled Malicious USB HID Injecting Cable for less than 10$. than 10$.

The Video is self-explanatory. (Wanna know how to make it? Read the article below.) 

All started with this Tweet last April, when I wanted a damn cheap USB implant capable of injecting keystrokes.

It had to be:

Remotely ControllableFast in TypingTiny as f***kCheaper than a bottle of VodkaThe main idea (for the hardware-side) is to re-use the Logitech’s inexpensive Unifying dongles as implants within USB cables.

To give you an idea… this is how much this dongle cost (CU-0007): 7.74 EURO!

What you need to do is DEAD SIMPLE:

Remove the top black case without breaking the dongle;Push out the PCB & the orange plastic holder;Pop-open an USB Cable (I do suggest either [1] or [2]) and solder the Vcc& GND to their related pins on the CU-0007.

Once everything will be in place, mount back the metal case of the USB male connector.Then check if it fits the USB case and glue it with a drop of super-glue.

DONE. Congrats! You just created your First USBsamurai!

Now you just need to pair it with @mame82’s LOGITacker v.0.1.3-beta and you are ready to pwn targets!

For the Software-side, the good @mame82 came to help with his majestic LOGITacker framework!

So far it supports 4 different NRF-based boards:

Nordic nRF52840 DongleMakerDiary MDK DongleMakerDiary MDKApril Brother nRF52840 DongleI personally opted for the 4th one [3] since is the only one with external Antenna (i.e. Longer Range).

Just follow LOGITacker’s readme and install the v.0.1.3-beta and install

I recorder a video to explain how to easily pair USBsamurai with LOGITacker.





About the author Luca Bongiorni

Biografia:Luca is working as Principal Offensive Security Engineer and in his spare time is involved in InfoSec where the main fields of research are: Radio Networks, Hardware Reverse Engineering, Hardware Hacking, Internet of Things and Physical Security. He also loves to share his knowledge and present some cool projects at security conferences around the globe. At the moment is focusing his researches on bypassing biometric access control systems, ICS Security and Air-Gapped Environments.

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catch (error) {}

Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs – USBSamurai, hacking)

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